sábado, 7 de junio de 2014

Just watched "The Normal Heart"...

I just watched "The Normal Heart" and I'm broken. And I'm moved. And I'm happy becuase of being how I am. I'm demisexual, not even a clue if I like girls or not (I'm a woman), but having a clue of liking boys, that's for sure, but with the knowledge that even when I'm not gay, I support them and I feel their problems and fights like if they were my own. I'm so happy of being myself, and it's the first time I feel like this and it's so amazing...

Also, Mark Ruffalo, Matt Bomer and Jim Parsons were so amazing in this movie, for fuck's sake... Jim, you're my hero and I lovev your performance and your voice and your character...

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¿Qué es la Unanimidad?

Es esa tendencia del ser humano a desear que todos los que le rodean entren en una cajita con una etiqueta que ellos aprueben. Si uno no entra en ese cajita, uno es rechazado socialmente.
Tenemos que destruir esa cajita, porque el ser humano es complejo por naturaleza. Todos somos diferentes y aceptables, a menos que uno sea un sacoehuéa abusivo con tendencias dictatoriales.

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